Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Versatile Blog Award

I was so very surprised and honoured today when I checked my comments to find that Karen from The Well Seasoned Nest has nominated me and my little corner of the blogosphere for the Versatile Blogger award! I've never won any kind of award for my blog and I am tickled pink to be awarded this accolade. Thank you Karen for visiting and for all your wonderful comments and thoughts! If you get a chance to go and check out Karen's blog, you will not be disappointed!
Karen did her research into The Versatile Blogger and found out lots of info for us nominees! One of the responsibilities of those nominated is to tell a little bit about ourselves to who nominated us. Here are 7 facts about me I am pleased to let you hear!
1) I have worked for the past 24 years with Special Needs individuals. I manage a Group Home for 4 adults with special needs. In my 24 years, I have learned more about love, pain, acceptance, battles,  determination, perserverance and the will to live under huge adversity than I ever might of learned under other circumstances.
2) My hubby gave me the spark of Photography when he gave me my first Sony camera a few years ago after a bad car accident. He knew exactly what would get me on the road to recovering.
3) I don't think I have met a fruit or a vegetable that I don't like. I would cheerfully be a vegetarian if I didn't also like a steak or two!
4) We have two cats, both of them a bit crazy. Speed our male cat is 13 years old and just starting to slow down and Scarf our 2 year old female cat is a wild thing. Both are rescue cats and came with baggage. I am a cat person, cannnot imagine life without them.
5) I love to read, cannot sleep unless I read a bit, even just a paragraph. My sister gave me a Sony E-Reader for Christmas and I love it! It goes where I go. I have 65 books on it right now so I'll be reading for a while!!
6) I have two children, Lora and Eric. Not really children, both are grown up and live in Alberta. I miss them immensely. No grandchildren yet, but someday maybe.
7) I am a coffee girl. I don't mind tea once in a while but love my Coffee. I also like red wine. A glass of wine a day is good for my heart isn't it!!
For more information on the Versatile Blogger Award, please go and check out thier website. I think one of the most important things the Versatile Blogger accomplishes is to bring together bloggers who would not normally find each other and share thier talents and knowledge and make good friends in the process.
The next thing the Versatile Blogger asks is to pass this award onto another 15 bloggers who have captured your eye and inspired your imagination.
I would love to pass this award on to these 15 bloggers.
I am sure if you check out all these blogs, you will see why I love them and visit them often.


  1. My greatest thank to you for your wonderful gesture and your decision to assign the award to me. I feel very honored and happy. I'm glad you like my photographs and my blog.
    Once again THANK YOU!

    Warm greetings and best wishes

  2. Thank you so much, dear Lorna! I appreciate your thoughtfulness in nominating me for this and the fact that you've been a blogging friend for quite awhile now. The best part of this is learning more about you – I really had no idea about your work but somehow knew from your sensitive photos that you were a generous and caring soul. My sincere thanks and wishes to you for a wonderful week. xo – g

  3. Sorry it's taken me awhile to get back here.
    I am overwhelmed at the thoughts you left for me on my blog. I take my photos, put them out there and hope folks like and appreciate them. It means a great deal that someone does.
    Thanks for the nomination. I'm honored to be included in this awesome group.
    Congrats on your nomination as well - it is well deserved!

  4. Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm truly honored. I've always enjoyed stopping by your little area of the blogosphere because you have always inpired me. I will check out your other nominations too. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!