Friday, February 24, 2012

Project 52 - Cabin Fever

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
I have to say I do not get Cabin fever very much. I am away from home at least 12 hours a day with work through the week, and love my time at home. My hubby who works from home gets it more than I do for sure!
On those days when Cabin Fever does hit and its miserable outside we like to go to one of our local coffee shops and spend an afternoon away from it all!
This is Tamaringo's which is located inside Cannor Nursery in Abbotsford. You can sit amongst the flowers and plants on beautiful wicker furniture and enjoy coffee and the scenery.

There are lots of plants and flowers around and beautiful ornaments/ sculptures and tea and coffee sets on display that you can buy. You can wander through the nursery and outside as well.
Their coffee is wonderful! They even try to decorate the froth for you! They have a home made Italian Ice cream bar full of different flavours. The flavour today was Lemon Cake Ice Cream. Yummy!

Lots of flowering plants such as Orchids to see and miniature Roses to see.
It rains a lot here in this area, sometimes for days on end it seems. Having a place to get out to where you can enjoy the beauty of growing plants and flowers, listen to the rain fall on the glass skylights and stay warm and dry really helps relieve the Cabin fever!

Linking up with Today's Flowers at


  1. Tamaringo's looks like a wonderful place for 'chillaxing'. Lovely shots--

  2. I want to come too!
    Beautiful flowers and a comfy setting for coffee and kicking back.
    Lovely sequence of shots!

  3. Love the setting of that restaurant!

  4. Wow they are so colorful, and ready to be bought as gifts. They look like the displays at the commercial booths i had been too yesterday. Our Orchid Show is ongoing for 10 days and i was there yesterday until my feet retired!

  5. You made the coffee look so dee-lish! Nice to see pretty blossoms...

    Also, just a quick note to tell you I’ve nominated you for a “Versatile Blog Award”!

    Don’t know what that means? Well, neither did I when I received this award last week from a fellow blogger named Isobel ( in Warminster, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. I, of course, wanted to know more, so I did some research. I found a website that helped a lot. I also began to notice, as I surfed around, the “Versatile Blog Award” button on some blogs I was visiting. Visit my blog to see the announcement of your blog as a recipient of this award.

    Why you, you may ask? Just because, I say! Because your blog caught my attention and inspired me in some fashion. It might have been the way you write, the great photos you take, or the fact that you motivate me to act, to be. Perhaps it was the look and feel of your blog overall. Maybe because you seemed genuine in some way, not self-serving, and not necessarily writing to accumulate “followers”, but rather with passion. Whatever my reason, a good chance for me to say “thanks” for delighting me through your blog!

    Your photos are always such a treat...:)) Karen

  6. Looks like a lovely place to spend a rainy day! (we've had one of those kind of days here, today!)


  7. That coffee looks devine! The perfect cure for cabin fever~

  8. Looks like a wonderful place to have coffee. Great pictures.


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