Monday, February 27, 2012

Ruby Tuesday

Ruby Tuesday 2

Just to show some of the Cherry blossoms that are blooming early.
Taken through the window of The Boot and Sombrero Restaurant.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Versatile Blog Award

I was so very surprised and honoured today when I checked my comments to find that Karen from The Well Seasoned Nest has nominated me and my little corner of the blogosphere for the Versatile Blogger award! I've never won any kind of award for my blog and I am tickled pink to be awarded this accolade. Thank you Karen for visiting and for all your wonderful comments and thoughts! If you get a chance to go and check out Karen's blog, you will not be disappointed!
Karen did her research into The Versatile Blogger and found out lots of info for us nominees! One of the responsibilities of those nominated is to tell a little bit about ourselves to who nominated us. Here are 7 facts about me I am pleased to let you hear!
1) I have worked for the past 24 years with Special Needs individuals. I manage a Group Home for 4 adults with special needs. In my 24 years, I have learned more about love, pain, acceptance, battles,  determination, perserverance and the will to live under huge adversity than I ever might of learned under other circumstances.
2) My hubby gave me the spark of Photography when he gave me my first Sony camera a few years ago after a bad car accident. He knew exactly what would get me on the road to recovering.
3) I don't think I have met a fruit or a vegetable that I don't like. I would cheerfully be a vegetarian if I didn't also like a steak or two!
4) We have two cats, both of them a bit crazy. Speed our male cat is 13 years old and just starting to slow down and Scarf our 2 year old female cat is a wild thing. Both are rescue cats and came with baggage. I am a cat person, cannnot imagine life without them.
5) I love to read, cannot sleep unless I read a bit, even just a paragraph. My sister gave me a Sony E-Reader for Christmas and I love it! It goes where I go. I have 65 books on it right now so I'll be reading for a while!!
6) I have two children, Lora and Eric. Not really children, both are grown up and live in Alberta. I miss them immensely. No grandchildren yet, but someday maybe.
7) I am a coffee girl. I don't mind tea once in a while but love my Coffee. I also like red wine. A glass of wine a day is good for my heart isn't it!!
For more information on the Versatile Blogger Award, please go and check out thier website. I think one of the most important things the Versatile Blogger accomplishes is to bring together bloggers who would not normally find each other and share thier talents and knowledge and make good friends in the process.
The next thing the Versatile Blogger asks is to pass this award onto another 15 bloggers who have captured your eye and inspired your imagination.
I would love to pass this award on to these 15 bloggers.
I am sure if you check out all these blogs, you will see why I love them and visit them often.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Project 52 - Cabin Fever

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
I have to say I do not get Cabin fever very much. I am away from home at least 12 hours a day with work through the week, and love my time at home. My hubby who works from home gets it more than I do for sure!
On those days when Cabin Fever does hit and its miserable outside we like to go to one of our local coffee shops and spend an afternoon away from it all!
This is Tamaringo's which is located inside Cannor Nursery in Abbotsford. You can sit amongst the flowers and plants on beautiful wicker furniture and enjoy coffee and the scenery.

There are lots of plants and flowers around and beautiful ornaments/ sculptures and tea and coffee sets on display that you can buy. You can wander through the nursery and outside as well.
Their coffee is wonderful! They even try to decorate the froth for you! They have a home made Italian Ice cream bar full of different flavours. The flavour today was Lemon Cake Ice Cream. Yummy!

Lots of flowering plants such as Orchids to see and miniature Roses to see.
It rains a lot here in this area, sometimes for days on end it seems. Having a place to get out to where you can enjoy the beauty of growing plants and flowers, listen to the rain fall on the glass skylights and stay warm and dry really helps relieve the Cabin fever!

Linking up with Today's Flowers at

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012

Project 52 - True Love

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
When it comes to love, my Hubby and I do not tell each other much that we love each other. At least not in so many words. We say something like "Have I told you lately?" or "Just a tiny tiny bit!" In our culture, to say something like I love you so much is to be too proud of what you have, to brag about it, and in such a case the very thing we speak of could be taken from us. So we minimize it in our words. We do not invite tests. Our love shows for each other in actions.  Its in the simple things, that speak volumes to me when I find them. Or when he finds them. It is in how we take care of each other, watch out for each other, miss each other when we are apart. It is in the little things done each and every day. I notice these things. For me, whereever I end up each day, I know at the end of my day I go home, and my true love, who I only love a tiny bit, is there. My heart lives there and waits for me. He gets me, and I am safe within his heart.
We have a word we share with each other, we put it on the bottom of cards we give each other, we tell it to each other and it says in that word you are my true love. 
It translates to:  You Dance in my Heart.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Water Fun

Fraser River.

Mission Abbotsford Bridge taken from Matsqui Park.

Mission Train trestle.

Mission Boat Dock.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Renewable Resources

Check out for more photos of Macro Monday!!

Old Garden shoes find new purpose as Planters for Hens and Chicks.

And an old Garden Implement makes a handy garden gate Lock.
It is nice to see people re-using old or broken things in a new way rather than sending them to the landfill.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Project 52 - Drink Up!

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
I really am a coffee girl, but for those times I do enjoy a cup of Tea, there are a few things you need that make the pleasure of having a nice cup of Tea a real experience.
My hubby got me a beautiful Tea Tray with matching cup, creamer and sugar container. I love my little sugar tongs! The little hands grab a cube of sugar expertly!
Tea is much better with flowers to enjoy as well. Kind of brings a bit of spring in!
For me Tea is a drink that is meant to be sipped, in a relaxed and peaceful mood. It is meditative, and calming after a stressful day.
Macro Flowers Saturday badge 3

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Skywatch Friday

Taken just outside Harrison Hot Springs, B.C.
It was pretty cold looking at this pastoral scene, probably not as cold though as on the snow covered mountain.
Check out for more photos of Skywatch Friday!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Pussy Willows already!!

Sweet Shot Day
Our weather lately has been so mild and warm that things are getting confused. Is it Winter or isn't it??
These Pussy willows are not sure, they had to come out and check it out themselves.
And seeing all these blooming plants such as the Pussy Willows and other things like Snowdrops starting to bloom makes me happy that Spring must be around the corner.
I usually write down the texture I use when I process photos, but for some reason I didn't for these. Me bad!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Today's Flowers

You know a girl loves to get a bouquet of flowers! The other day the phone rang, the caller asking if anyone would be home to receive a delivery of flowers.
Of course we would, but who were these from??

It wasn't my birthday.

It wasn't my Anniversary!
Maybe just because! That is a nice reason to get flowers delivered!

Turns out the flowers were from my work, for my 24th Anniversary of working in the Company. Only thing was, my anniversary of that is actually in May. Someone slipped up, and I got a beautiful bouquet of flowers as a result!!
Linking up with