Sunday, January 22, 2012

White Rock Waves and Wind

Scenic Sunday
Hubby and I went out for a drive yesterday and ended up at White Rock beach. We were very surprised coming over the hill to see huge waves and white caps on the Ocean
My favorite beach days!
The tide was almost completely into shore, and the waves were breaking over the rocks.

Two and three foot swells.

This young girl was standing on some rocks at the shore when a wave came in and surrounded her.

Crashing over an outflow pipe platform.

The White Rock Pier.

Shadow Shot Sunday 2

I am trying to teach myself HDR using my Photoshop CS5 in a few of these pictures, such as the one above. Please feel free to tell me what I could do better or how I could change this. It is a steep learning curve!
More photos to follow in the next few days!!


  1. I am no sure what you are trying to do, but your pictures look great to me. I really like the bridge.

  2. gorgeous photos! i like the last one best, i think.

  3. Dramatic shots of rugged waves! The last shot of the pier and waves has a wonderful, dark mystery enhanced by the shadows!

  4. Great photos and I can really feel the power of the sea crashing over the rocks!

  5. Great shots! Love the first one...dramatic!

  6. Hi Lorna! Such dramatic photos – chilly and fascinating at the same time. Good for you for learning HDR techniques, too. It is not simple but the most important thing I think is that it looks natural – like nature but a bit better, as you've done with the bridge here. :) Too much HDR these days looks fake but this one is great.

    Thanks for stopping by – I laughed at your comment about the Nikon/Canon wars in your own home. So glad you can share a love of photography with your hubby – makes it much more special, doesn't it?

    Wishing you a great weekend. xo – g


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!