Friday, January 20, 2012

Project 52 - I Dreamed a Dream

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
My hubby and I provide Respite care for a two year old developmentally challenged little boy. His name is Taige.
(Aren't his eyelashes dreamy!) Oops, off the subject there!
Taige has a multitude of problems he lives with day to day. His care is quite complex. But he is in the moment. He deals with it all moment by moment. So do we when we care for him, but we are always jumping from moment to moment, into the future, trying to anticipate, plan for, ready ourselves for his next big moment, and then missing the actual moment. When Taige is having a good moment he is chock full of vocals, laughter and smiles. He is not off somewhere dreading the next. When he deals with a bad moment, once its over with and done, he is not wrecking his present moment by worrys of the next bad moments.
I could learn from that! I miss my own moments when my head is either in the past thinking about something or in the future worrying about something. When I am there and not here and now, I miss the moment I should be in.
So I could take this moment and wish to be in my own moments more, leaving the past where it belongs and the future in the future. Live in this moment.
That is a dream worth dreaming!


  1. How precious is he?!?!? I would love to put a gentle kiss on that curly, sleeping head. :) I love your thoughts about what he is teaching you. I know you are a gift to his family just as much as he is a gift to you.

  2. What a sweet post. I love how God uses children to teach us such important lessons. I'm sure his family is blessed to have you in their lives.

  3. omg those eyelashes!!! isn't it funny how children have a way teaching us? i love that! :)

  4. Yes!! That is a dream worth dreaming for sure and then some. :)

    Beautiful post. Beautiful eyelashes. Beautiful lesson you've learned from this sweet little angel.


  5. Look at those eyelashes! So beautiful. It sounds like both you and his family are blessed to have him in your lives. It's wonderful that you are providing respite work. I know the families truly appreciate it.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!