Thursday, January 12, 2012

Project 52 - Made with Love - Week 2

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge
When we were kids growing up in Victoria, our Grandmother used to live about a mile away from us. It was close enough that we were able to go over if we wanted on our own, or other times when we went over to her house with my Mother, her daughter.
One of the snacks my Grandma used to make for the kids was Rolled Bread slices with Sugar and Butter fillings. She used to make them into little rolls which we used to dip into our Hot Cocoa. The only place I  ever ate them was at her house, and to me they ooze Grandma Love.
Made With Love!

The best bread to make these is White Wonder bread nowadays. Back in my Grandma's day it was made with homemade white bread. You cut of the crusts all around and use a rolling pin to flatten out the bread. Spread a good layer of Butter from edge to edge and sprinkle a liberal dose of white Sugar over the butter. You can also sprinkle Cinnamon Sugar over top of the butter. Don't use margarine, that would be just wrong! Carefully roll up the bread jellyroll style and press edges carefully together to seal. You can cut them in pinwheels or leave them in long pieces. Better to dip them into your Hot Cocoa and use them to drown marshmallows!

The old book that this plate of Bread Rolls is sitting on was my Grandmother's Diary. I am so happy to have this little piece of my grandmother. It is a priceless gift to me. I can read in her own writing what she was doing on the day I was born, on the day my siblings were born. Her day to day life. I can see in my mind's eye her going about the same chores and tasks she writes about.
And I can make a snack of Hot Cocoa and Bread rolls just like she used to make for us while I read her lovely words.

There are a lot of things that can remind us of past loved ones, food being just one of them. Our memories keep our loved with us now. I can make a cup of Cocoa and a Bread Roll and be right there in Grandma's kitchen, sitting at the puzzle table enjoying  snacks made of love.


  1. Looks yummy! I knew food would be a recurring theme for this week's challenge!


  2. Wow...simply amazing is all I can say.

  3. What a sweet memory--I love that you have her diary--I have volumes of journals that I will pass on to my children--that keeps me writing! Love the bread rolls and hot chocolate--may have to try that:)

  4. Oh- the cocoa & the marshmallows- I really need to do that more often.


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