Sunday, January 15, 2012

Macro Monday

Linking up with

At the beginning of last month my computer and external hard drive crashed big time. I lost most of the 25.000 pictures stored on the hard drive. We tryed a restore and retrieve and did manage to get some of the photos back, but most were gone. 
Since then, my Brother, Brian gave me his desktop computer, saying he was going to be getting another one that worked for games. My Hubby spent the past couple of weeks setting it up for me and installing my Photoshop back. 
Today was the first time to sit down and work on it!! So nice! 
It is is much faster than my last computer, lightning fast compared to it. I had taken portrait shots of my four clients at work before Christmas and I worked on those photos! 
So happy to have my toys back!! Its like Christmas all over again! 
Like finding a string of pearls in an Oyster shell. The world is my pearl!!


  1. Welcome back! I would be so upset without my computer and Photoshop, so I can only imagine what you must have gone through.

  2. Oh my, you have made me realise it is time to run a massive back up onto my external hard drive. Thank you for reminding me.



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