Monday, October 3, 2011

Roasted Vegetable Salsa

I love the Fall!! Harvest time! My hubby and I went yesterday to the Apple Barn in town, and came home with a box full of vegetables.
My big catch of the day was a huge bag of Heirloom tomatoes and Peppers. It screamed Salsa to me in the kitchen, I swear it did!
Some of the vegetables that came home with us!

Roasted Vegetable Salsa

3 large Tomatoes, quartered
2 large Red Peppers, quartered.
1/2 Red Onion, cut in slices.
6 cloves Garlic
Coat vegetables in Olive Oil, sprinkle liberally with Salt and Pepper and spread out on a large cookie sheet to roast. Roast in 425 degree Oven for about 10 to 15 minutes.
When vegetables have finished roasting put them into your food processor and add:
1/2 tsp. Ground Cumin
1 tsp. Hot Red Pepper flakes
1/2 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Pepper
Zest and Juice from one lime
A generous handful of torn Basil Leaves.
Process by pulsing salsa in the food processor. I like my salsas to be chunky rather than smooth. Taste and adjust your seasonings to taste.
For this Salsa we wanted to keep it hot rather than chilling it for our dinner. Salsa takes on a whole different taste when you serve it warm.
With the leftover salsa, you can chill the salsa and serve it next time with additional ingredients depending on your tastes. I like to add chopped up fruit such as Mango, Peach or Nectarines. It is also good with chopped up Avacado, grilled corn and black beans added to it as well. Serve with Tortilla Chips.

We served our Hot Salsa over Spaghetti Squash, Hassselback Potatoes and Baked Chicken.
Another hint with your homemade Salsas is to change up your herbs you add. Most Salsas have Cilantro added, but I like to add other herbs instead such as Basil. It totally changes the taste of your Salsa.
And of course you can make your salsa with Fresh Vegetables rather than roasting the vegetables. Roasting brings out sweetness of the vegetables.
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  1. Mmmm ... I've been craving salsa. Now my mouth is watering. :)

  2. Looks really gooooood! Love the crystal clear focus.

  3. Mmmmm...Pass the Salsa through the screen please. Yum!

  4. Such intense colors -the salsa screams at me "Eat, eat!"

  5. We love salsa - but I've tried to roast the veggies first - sounds yummy!

  6. We love salsa - but I've tried to roast the veggies first - sounds yummy!

  7. Oh my goodness, this looks so yummy!
    Thank you for sharing!


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