Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I love books. Not a day can go by where I don't have to read a bit of a book before shutting my eyes for sleep. At times I even have more than one book on the go.  Our local library is also an excellent source for books.
I think if I was one to buy more books than I do, one of the new E-Readers might be a good thing to invest in. I do buy some books, ones that I want to keep and read over, but otherwise the library serves me well enough. I usually only read a book once, so not too worth buying it.
There is just something about having a book in hand, the feel and the weight of it, turning the pages, getting close to the end of the story that I don't think an E-Reader would fulfil. You know, curling up on the couch with a good book. Just not the same I think with a reader!

I am always curious about old worn well used books as well. I wonder who besides me read this book. How many people enjoyed it? What did they think of the story? Have they lasted this long because they are a good read? The rough textures of the book covers, the thickened pages, the cracked spines, the smell of the yellowed pages all leave a mark and tell thier own story.And I would like to know that story as well! 

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  1. Beautiful composition and tones. I love books too and have shelves and shelves of them. I've resisted getting an e-reader, like you I like having the physical book in my hands. Besides, my husband works for Penguin the publishers so I feel I should support them anyway :O)

  2. I meant to say - I love your blog header!

  3. Beautiful composition! I'm with you on the books. Love them! Although I do have an e-reader which I received for Christmas last year. I have come to love it, too.

  4. Excellent picture. Arrived from Thursday challenge

  5. Beautiful composition.

    Regards and best wishes


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