Sunday, August 7, 2011

Today's Flowers

Carletta from had a beautiful photo on her website that inspired me to learn a new skill. Here are a few of my first attempts to learn a new skill!

Alium bulb.

Hydrangea buds.


My favorite colour of roses.

Young Sunflower.
To see more photos of Today's Flowers, please go and visit


  1. A lovely presentation of pretty flowers.

  2. Wow! This photo effect enhances the detail and radiance of each flower! Beautiful photos!

  3. Glad I could help. :)
    I love the first one. The photo lends itself well to the treatment.
    Years ago my hubby traveled to Scotland on business many times. He would bring back glass paperweights and this treatment reminds me of those.

  4. Beautiful, Lorna – what a great treatment for your flower close ups, especially the allium which looks like star! And I agree, they do remind me of glass paperweights.

    Thank you so much for your comment on the Paris post. You're very sweet to be concerned but yes, everything is fine now, a bit rough for awhile but doing well now.

    I hope you're having a very happy summer! xo – g


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!