Friday, August 5, 2011

Camera Critters

A sitting duck!

Like the saying goes be careful or you might find yourself being a sitting duck.

This duck actually was lame, one of its webbed feet being injured in the past and now a permanent injury. We watched her as she brought up her babies throughout the spring and now here by herself. It really looks painful for her when she trys to walk. She sure can scoot away fast though when you try and get close to her.
To see more Camera Critters, take a gander over at


  1. I'm glad she can still get away from danger!

  2. These are gorgeous captures.

    Cardinal is my critter for this week, please come and see and have a have a good weekend.

  3. it doesn't seem to stop her from carrying on, if she has babies! good for her.

  4. Cute duck, I am glad she is managing with her injury. Great photos.

  5. I'm with EG. It's good to know she can still move fast enough to scoot. She's a lovely girl.

  6. She is a very beautiful girl, like the others I'm glad to know she can still move fast when she needs too.

    Thank you for stopping by and for the lovely comment on my Mandarin duck post. The Mandarin ducks are very closely related to Wood ducks but the Mandarin, native to Asia, is smaller.

  7. Nice shots.
    I'm glad she is better now and I hope she will completely recovery soon.



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