Monday, July 25, 2011

Tempt My Tummy Tuesday

I am constantly looking for different fresh cool salads that my Hubby will eat, ones that contain the various vegetables that he does like without just constantly making the same old, same old type salads. I found this recipe for Carrot salad and tweaked the recipe for the salad to the recipe I am going to share. I love the taste of Sesame but found the original dressing needed to be enhanced so played with the ingredients until I got what I wanted. 


Combine matchstick Carrots, Red or Orange Peppers cut in matchsticks, and chopped green onions in a bowl.
You can actually add any vegetables you like such as sugar peas, cucumber, celery as long as your main ingredient is the carrots.
The more variety of vegetable, the better!!

Sesame Dressing:
1 TBSP. Rice Vinegar
1 TBSP. Olive Oil
1 TBSP. Sesame Oil
1 -1in. piece Grated fresh Ginger
3-4 cloves Grated fresh Garlic
1 TBSP. Toasted Sesame Seeds
1/4 tsp. Schirachi Chili Sauce
2 TBSP. Tahini
Salt and Pepper to taste.
Mix all ingredients together thouroughly.

Pour dressing over salad and garnish with 1 TBSP. Toasted Sesame Seeds and chopped green onions.
Can be mixed ahead of time so that flavours are allowed  to mingle.
Check out other yummy recipes at

1 comment:

  1. This recipe looks really good! It would be great if you came over to Cast Party Wednesday tomorrow and shared some of your recipes.
    I hope to see you there!


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