Sunday, July 24, 2011

Mellow Yellow Macro Monday!

The sun is finally here, at least for two days, and what better flower to show but a Sunflower!
A different perspective from the back of the Sunflower.

Our weather is set to change again tomorrow, the clouds are supposed to come back along with the rain and the cooler temperatures. Our summer has been unusually cooler and cloudy for most of the season. I for one am not minding the cooler temperatures. Once it gets above 25 Celcius or so, I have trouble dealing with it. It just makes me sluggish and tired. So summer can stay on the cooler side as far as I am concerned!!
Check out Mellow Yellow Monday and Macro Monday at the addresses above. You won't be sorry!


  1. I simply love sunflowers, they always make me smile!
    Happy Monday!

  2. Two beautiful perspectives of the sunflower! Great photos!

  3. The sunflowers are so beautiful, great photos!

  4. I love love LOVE sunflowers! None of ours bloomed this year (I was eagerly awaiting them so I could take some awesome photos), but alas I will have to find others. Yours are beautiful!

  5. Beautiful shots! I really like the backside of the sunflower.

  6. love the different perspective in the first shot.


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