Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Very Mellow Yellow Macro Monday!!!

My hubby and I like to find different places to explore on our weekend Date days, so yesterday we visited a Country garden way in the back of Mission BC. The garden was the labour of a woman named Hilda who for the past 32 years has carved a beautiful sanctuary out of the side of the mountain she lived on with her husband. The garden is 5 acres, and includes a waterfall and creek running from the top of the property down to the bottom. It has two Koi ponds and a huge Treehouse built between two huge Cedar trees.
Hilda passed away in April after suffering a very short bout of cancer leaving her husband of 38 years alone. He has opened up the gardens as a tribute garden for his wife and invited all in to see her labour of love. Over the next few days I will post photos taken at her garden. It was such an amazing and serene beautiful space I have to share it. And it is a love story lasting over 40 years that brought tears to my eyes.
Here is some of the photos and over the next few days I will post a lot more. Make sure to come on back and enjoy!

I think this is a Banana Slug, pretty slimey thing it is!!

It was a dreary cloudy grey day and for about half the time we were there yesterday, it rained. But I do love raindrops!

A wet Poppy with some awesome raindrops.
I have about a thousand photos to go through, so this is it for this post, more tomorrow. Check out yesterday's photos for the awesome Fuchia's that were all over the garden as well.


  1. Freaky looking slug! I can't quite tell which end is the front.

  2. beautiful photos... :-) happy monday.

  3. Uhooi,,
    Photos of beautiful and lovely,,,

  4. Cool looking shots and I love the poppy. What a lovely place to visit. Thanks for sharing and Happy MYM!

  5. Great story about the garden of love. I look forward to seeing and hearing more about it! The flowers are lovely!
    But the slug photo is breathtaking! The detail and textures are amazing! I love it!

  6. I agree with you about how slimey the slug is, but I am glad you were brave enough to stop and capture him, as he does have beauty!!

  7. That's a hansome far as sligs go! Terrific shots!

  8. Stunning shots...this place sounds so nice...sad story behind it though!

  9. Beautiful shots!! Can't say the slug is a "great thing of beauty", but everything is lovely (and interesting) in its own way. Mickie :)

  10. I bet you wish the slugs would leave your plants alone, eh? You took a GREAT shot of it though! :)


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