Monday, June 27, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - Hilda's Garden

Continuing here with some more photos of Hilda's Garden, a story I began last post about a woman named Hilda and her beautiful garden. Check out my last post for more on the story of the garden and how it came to be.
Hilda was also a painter, besides the Gardener. There were many garden signs spread out around the garden. I'll post some of those in a couple of days!

Besides the many Fuchia plants about the gardens, there were also feeders around as well.

Mountain Laurel.

Peonies. After the rain!

Hilda planted many rose bushes around the garden but the Deer ate them as fast as the roses grew. The only rose plant that survived was planted right next to the house. Here is the one rose growing on the bush!

This is a huge Treehouse, built between two big Cedar trees. It even had a veranda around the front part of the treehouse. The treehouse overlooks a Koi pond and the creek leading down from the top of the hill to the bottom, feeding into the Koi pond. I will post pictures tomorrow of the water features of the garden.

A large plaque next to the front door had "Welcome" written in each of the hearts in different languages.

The front of the Treehouse, the door next to the clock that entered into the inside of the treehouse.
Come on back tomorrow and see some of the Water feature pictures from Hilda's garden and read the previous post about the garden.


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