Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pumpkin Marshmallow Dip - Macro Monday

1- 8 0Z. Softened Cream Cheese
1- 14 oz.  Marshmallow Cream
1-15 oz. Canned Pumpkin
1 TBSP. Pumpkin Pie Spice
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 tsp. Orange Zest (optional)

Put all ingredients in a large bowl and use mixer to blend until smooth.

Put blended dip in serving bowl and there you are.

Serve the dip with Gingersnap cookies or Cinnamon Snaps to dip in.

I don't know how appetizing this looks but it is really good!!
I am taking this tonight to next door for Survivor. We are having our last Survivor night.
Who do you think will win the Million Dollars???
To see more photos of Macro Monday, please go and visit


  1. Not one for marshmallow cream, but overall, it looks good!!

    I can't believe Rob won!! I really thought that one of the other ones might pull it off. I guess the girl's downfall was that she was a follower. Gotta love "Survivor"!!

  2. This is comforting just looking at it! :)

  3. Oh I need to ask the most pertinent question: "Got Leftovers"?!!!

    Here's an open invitation to view my 'legendary' MERMAID'S PURSE...a sea 'oddity'. If you have time...come on over for a visit!!

    Have a super Monday.

  4. This sounds insanely good!!!
    Thank you for sharing!


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