Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's been a very busy week here, and seems like forever since being able to post a photo or two here. My hubby and I have been shooting a Wedding for friends of ours, the wedding this past Monday and then their private photos yesterday. Kind of backwards, but it worked out well for them. And kept us very busy. Now the task of processing all the photos begins.
Spring has been a bit late showing up here with all the rain and grey cool skies we have had. Our lilacs are just starting to bloom, and I am waiting patiently for them. These little blooms were growing on a low bush at our local park. Not sure what they are?

This wedding was the first ever wedding I have photographed. I really think I understand flowers more! I think you have to have a good understanding of people to capture them in photos. My hubby's photos were awesome and he says I am much to critical of my own photos to be an unbiased judge. A flower stands still, waits patiently, never blinks and always puts its best face forward!
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  1. Beautiful pictures of those lovely pink flowers. Have a nice day. :)

  2. These spring blossoms are lovely.
    Congratulations for taking photos on a wedding, it's quite different working with people.

    You are right about flower, they all have a pretty face and one more thing; they are never unsatisfied with the result.
    Have a great Sunday!

  3. I took photos at my nephew's wedding just for family. I quite agree I like taking pics of flowers better. :)
    This is a beautiful shot!
    Looks like viburnum.


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