Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Weekend in Black and White

These pictures for Monochrome Weekly are ones taken by my hubby. We go out together on Saturday's and find cool places to take photos together. I thought today, I would show you some of his photos!
Today we went out to the Heron Preserve in Chilliwack. Of course it started raining as soon as we got out of the car!

Outside of the Lodge building was an area with bird feeders about. It was a happening place for the small birds!

I am not one that knows the different kinds of birds so I don't have names for you. If you know what these are, it would be cool to here.

To see other photos of The Weekend in Black and White please go and visit


  1. Congratulations to your husband! These are fine photos. I particularly like the first.
    I'm afraid I can't help with the identification - I'm no good at all with birds from your side of the Atlantic.

  2. These are wonderful action shots; the first is particularly good!

    I believe the second shot is a chickadee...

  3. LOVE the first one - wings open and focused eye - wow!


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