Thursday, March 3, 2011

Skywatch Friday

We have had some pretty wicked weather lately, things like rain, hail, snow, sleet, thunder and lightning and wind all in one morning!
Yesterday, they were predicting a wind storm with warmer temperatures so I had to get out and take some photos and try and walk in the wind! Wind speed was recorded up to 96 Kilometers an hour or close to 60 miles per hour. And the light got sweet!
This is Willband Creek, a natural wetlands bird sanctuary.

The pools of water were partially frozen, and the grasses are dead looking and brown.

This is home to a lot of different birds, swans, geese, ducks and a line of seagulls.

So, I am trying to take a photo of a lone park bench, trying to stand still in gale force winds and decided to give it up so turned around and saw these scenes. The sky was stormy, the light was sweet and I snapped these photos.
To see more photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit


  1. I love it when the sun highlights the earth against a dark sky.

  2. What a beautiful place--I would love to be hiking and birdwatching there. Interesting sky too. Mickie

  3. Moody skies are the best, aren't they.
    Beautifully captured too. How nice to have such a sanctuary nearby.

  4. What gorgeous blues!!!
    The light is as if you are shining one on the scene you're looking at - lovely!
    I'm listening to wind now and I think thunder. Much rain is on the way.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


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