Saturday, March 12, 2011

Today's Flowers

Flowers can be found in lots of different places.
These embroidered flowers are from a large Quilted Wall Hanging and depict all the Provincial Flowers of Canada.
British Columbia's flower is the Dogwood.

Alberta's provincial flower is the Wild Rose.
Saskatchewan's flower is the Western Red Lily.
Manitoba's flower is the Prairie Crocus.
Ontario's flower is the White Trillium.
Quebec's flower is the Blue Flag.
Nova Scotia's flower is the Mayflower.
New Brunswick's flower is the Purple Violet.
Prince Edward Island's flower is the Lady's Slipper.
Northwest Territory's flower is the Mountain Avens.
Yukon Territory's flower is the Fireweed.
Newfoundland's flower is the Pitcher Plant.
Canada's symbol is the Canadian Maple Leaf.
My Aunt Naomi used to make quilts when she was alive for all her children. When she found out she had Alzheimer's disease she set about making a new quilt for each of her seven children, my cousins, before her disease took away her memories. She was creating a lasting memory for each of the seven. From the first quilt she created to the last one she ever made, you could see the progress of the Alzheimer's Disease. The quilts are a legacy to her love of her children and to her tenacity to remember and to be remembered. Wrapping yourself in a special Quilt made just for you is like receiving a loving hug. It's a beautiful thing.

To see more photos of Today's Flowers, please go and visit


  1. Such beautiful work ... the quilt you featured is a real treasure. I felt the tears well up as you told the story of your lovely Aunt. What a touching gesture and what a treasured gift to receive. The quilt shows off a great selection of Canada's gorgeous flowers.

  2. Terrific captures of the quilts. What a lovely and touching story behind these beautiful photos.

    My entry is here

  3. What a beautiful post! And to receive such gifts...very special indeed!

  4. What a beautiful quilt! It is so painstakingly done. It is a gift to be cherished.

  5. Lots of time and craftsmanship in this - it's lovely!
    I have quilts made by my Mom and Grandma and my mother-in-law. I treasure them immensely.

  6. Wow, this is so moving, Lorna. What an incredible story. Seeing the detail in your photos gives it tremendous impact. – g


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