Sunday, March 13, 2011

Macro Monday

It is almost time to start the winter cleanup in the garden and get rid of the old dead bits and pieces of last year's bounty. Even the old dry brown stalks of weeds hold a certain fragile beauty as they make way for new growth.
We aren't so enamoured with weeds when summer is here, we don't want to have to spend time pulling the weeds when there are so many other things we could be doing instead in the nice weather.

So maybe its better to leave them alone in the summer so they will be around in the winter when you are looking around for something that just screams "Take my picture!"
To see more of Macro Monday photos, please go and visit


  1. Those are great! I agree that there is a lot of beauty in these seed heads.

  2. Such a beautiful shots! And I agree almost there to clean up again and see those blooming flowers.
    Macro Monday

  3. LOVE these! Especially the first one with it's lovely bokeh!

    I leave mine but the deer nibble everything down here.

  4. Lovely. I'm so glad to see someone else find beauty in those faded flowers. Beautiful.

  5. very artistic it is. As are your photos! Excellent.

    My Macro Link: Sand Dollars and Sea Drift Seeds

    Hope you can visit; have a glorious day!!

  6. You are so right about looking for something to photograph in the winter. I also took a pic of a weed!! Come on spring n some color!!! Great shots!!

  7. Wow. That is awesome. I love both shots! Thank you for stopping by my blog too!

  8. beautiful textures in these seed heads!


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