Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Watery Wednesday

My computer has been down for a few days, thus I have not been able to get at any of my photos until tonight. So these photos are a bit late, but better late than never!
You know I have a thing for waterdrops, I look for them everywhere.

And what is better than lots of raindrops?? Bokeh and raindrops!
To see other photos of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit


  1. Hi! OMG, your photos are breathtaking. Thank you for stopping by to say hello. I am going to follow you and put your blog on my sidebar, so I can find it easily. Take care!


  2. What beautiful clarity of the drops in the second image!

    What did we do before computers? I'm beside myself when mine goes down. :)

  3. Water drops - the magic of nature. Amazing shots!


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