Thursday, January 27, 2011

Skywatch Friday

One of the things I really like about Photography is seeing things in different perspectives. You can see things in places not even where you would normally have to look.

An example of this would be looking into a mirror to see something reflected from out of the photo.

A lake on a calm day reflects the cloudy skies above along with the stark branches of a tree very well.

The sky was a late morning cloudy sky, with large bands of clouds hanging low over the mountains. It was drizzling rain just enough to have to use the wipers on the car but almost not enough to really need them.

And a photo of the entire scene, the tree, sky and its reflections in the water.
To see other photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit


  1. Beautiful skies, trees and land. Love the winter colours!

  2. Sky and reflection, all in one!! Like them a lot a lot :-)

    Happy weekend from Anne in Norway

  3. You have captured a tone and mood with these photos which is absolutely wonderful. The reelections from the different perspectives is so interesting and such a pleasure to study. You have done a fine job with your composition.

  4. Hi Lorna! Guess what? I LOVE these images! LOVE them, especially the first one, it took my breath away. Great job! Thanks so much for your visit and your very lovely comment. I hope you have lots of spring beauty very soon. – g


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!