Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Watery Wednesday

I am sure everyone knows I have an affinity for Waterdrops. They fascinate me to see them and I am always on the lookout for them. I want to capture the perfect drop!!
I haven't done it yet, but I keep looking and keep trying.

Frozen in time, the drop remains suspended for a bit longer. It looks like a diamond pendant, nature's pendant!
To see other photos of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. Magnificent photos. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. these are captivating photos! beautiful.

    P.S. No, i did not buy the red chair. it's too flashy for my simple apartment.:p

  3. magnificent shots....thought i was seeing tear-drop diamonds.

  4. what an awesome shots! looks like a real diamond.

  5. If only I could wear this around my neck without it dissolving! Thanks for sharing this natural jewel. :)

  6. Wow, you caught a fabulous moment. Gorgeous!

  7. I have to add my admiration for your photography. I had a little bit of a look around your blog, and it is truly a feast for the eyes. I love the colours reflected through the water droplets. Just beautiful!

  8. Lovely! Your pictures are stunning! If you have time, check out my post here www.adventureswithjessica.blogspot.com . I’m trying really hard to increase my number of followers and could use your help! Thanks!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!