Thursday, January 20, 2011

Skywatch Friday


Our last cold snap here brought bright blue skies, freezing temperatures and a good load of snow so here are some pictures we took down at Mill Lake in the downtown area.
The lake was half frozen, and the ducks and geese had a place to line up onto out of the water.

You can see the edge of the water and the frozen ice.

A few puffy clouds on the horizon.

A shot of how much snow was around that day.

The walking path around the lake covered with snow.

Blue sky through the bare tree branches.
When cold days such as this start to warm up, the cool air meets the warm air of the Pacific and usually ends up with the snow you see.

To see other photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit


  1. Even photos of snow and ice look warmer under a blue sky. Nice shots!

  2. I know you're looking forward to spring blooms, Lorna, but even so, these images are just beautiful – such peacefulness and purity that snow brings. And best with the blue skies, as you have shown.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend! – g

  3. What beautiful photographs!
    Wonderful winter scenes.

  4. Fantastic set of photos... Thanks for your visit to my blog

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