Thursday, October 14, 2010

Skywatch Friday - Alberta Sky

In Medicine Hat we went to Echodale Park to walk, along the South Saskatchewan River. The fall colours were beautiful to see.

My sister Elaine and brother in law Ron were out enjoying the day with me.

The skies were lightly clouded and the temperature was warm. A bit of a wind blew.

Some knarly looking trees against a blue sky backdrop.

Across the river is the small town of Redcliff where my daughter just moved to and where my son Eric also lives.

The Red Cliffs across the river were originally mined for their red stone and clay. It was used in the making of bricks and pottery.  Hence how the town of Redcliff got its name.

The picnic area of Echodale Park was awash in crisp fallen leaves. I had to shuffle through the lot of them!

Sunset over the houses behind my daughter Lora's new place.

Looking to the left in the back of Lora's place. The sunset was gorgeous. A beautiful end to a beautiful day.
To see other photos of Skywatch Friday, please go and visit


  1. Awesome series! Love those skies!!!

  2. The countryside is such a lovely golden colour right now in Medicine Hat. The skies are gorgeous!

  3. Excellent photos of our province! I particularly like the picnic area and the two of the sunset. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by my blog

  4. Fantastic shots. Very amazing how beautiful Autumn is . Happy Friday!
    Sky Reflection

  5. such a wonderful portrait of this area. Thank you.

  6. nice series of shots..i love the countryside


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