Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Day in the Life in Medicine Hat

A few highlights from the last couple of days here in the Hat.
We are all eating very well here. Probably too well but that can be worked off after the end of the holiday.
A few pictures of our last night's dinner and a quick recipe!
A platter of Barbequed Chicken Wings.

Wings tossed in Frank's Hot Sauce and butter!

Roasted Tomato Salad.
Cut tomatoes in half and place on cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Sprinkle each tomato with a combination of dried breadcrumbs, grated parmasan cheese, basil, oregano, garlic and salt and pepper. Drizzle with Olive Oil, and place in a 400 degree oven to roast for about a half hour. Make a simple green salad with baby greens, thinly sliced red onion and red peppers and dress with Balsamic Vinegar dressing. Spread salad on serving platter and arrange hot roasted tomatoes over the top of salad and sprinkle liberally with Crumbled Goat Cheese.

This is my nephew Aaron who today went out to the park with me and was my willing photo subject for the day.

I downloaded a simple version of Picasa onto their computer to do a bit of editing.

The park where we took the photos has a few pieces of heavy duty equipment parked by the side of the creek doing cleanup work after a flood, so Aaron crouched into the bucket of the front end loader.

Tomorrow I am going to practise taking some pictures of Aaron and his girlfriend.
I'll take the whole lot of pictures home and edit them in photoshop after.

My trip here seems to be going really fast. A week already has passed and I think with the passing of time that I have only a couple of days left here before its time to go home. I am really going to find it hard to leave my daughter here and get on the plane without her. We have spent a lot of time together here, I feel like I have to get in lots of time now because soon I won't see her for a long time. How do parents do this??
More photos tomorrow......

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