Monday, August 9, 2010

The Things You Find

If you check out my last post here for Macro Monday, you will see pictures of some of the finds I found in the Antique store my hubby and I visited this past weekend. I have so many memories of my past just seeing some of the stuff in these stores. I would never buy them for my house but they do evoke memories of moments past. You can't buy those moments back, they are meant to be in our past and they do form a part of our foundation today in our everyday lives. They influence how we decorate our homes, how we dress, how we cook and what we cook with, how we interact with people, they influence it all. We are made up of everything and everyone who came before us.
So when I turned a corner in the Antique Store and looked to my left and saw this next picture, I stood there I am sure with my mouth open and my eyes wide.
How the heck did my Aunty Lill's living room get into this store?? This Sectional was just like the one in her living room, complete with the coffee table and with those ugly standup ashtrays at each end of the couch. See the center of the couch, the little cupboard in the center? She kept her TV Guide in there. And on the end of each couch where the built in coffee table is, was where she put her teacup and her latest Harlequin romance book. The ugly olive green velour upholstery and the patterned cushions. I felt like I was having a de'ja vu moment. It hurtled me back 30 plus years to her house on Crease Ave. And if I had tea there, it was in those green mugs that were all the rage then. I almost expected my Aunt Lill to come around the corner from the kitchen and give me heck for waiting so long to visit her.
Have you ever had a de'ja vu moment in your life that took you right back to a simpler familiar time??

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