Sunday, August 8, 2010

Macro Monday

One of the things I like about exploring old Antique Stores is that I always see something that brings back a memory or two. I really think they do not make things like they used to, stuff that will stand the test of time and last so long over the years. I wonder if you will see any of my stuff on the dusty shelves of some mildewy crowded old Antique store in the decades to come. Anyways, here are a few familiar pictures from our trip through an Antique store yesterday.
I don't remember this camera specifically, but i did pose in front of a few cameras of my parents once or twice!!

The neighbourhood corner grocery store had one of these on the counter. It was one of those Mom and Pop stores, with all the penny candy just to the left of the entry door. That held more appeal to our young selves than the cash register ever did.

We used to have these disks that were inserted into a viewing device, can't remember the name of it right now.

Old beaded lightshades.

And something that just intrigued me, a Gin dispenser. Fill it full of gin and use the dispenser to pour your gin into your cup.
It's always a walk through memory lane to go to an Antique store. I see things there from long ago that remind me now of family and friends long gone.
For more photos of Macro Monday, please go and visit


  1. LOVE all of these, the toning is gorgeous!

  2. What a fun time you had looking around the antique store! I think the item that viewed the photo disks was called a Viewmaster. I'm sure my hubby has one tucked away from when he was a youngster. =)

    My Macro Monday image

  3. Love all these images of days gone by. And I remember the viewmaster - I had one when I was a kid!

  4. I couldn't wait for my daughter to be old enough for a even hers has been put aside for other things.

    Love all the shots of the antiques. Makes me miss the "good ole days"!!

  5. Those were the days..How time flies..

    That 3rd picture-I can't remember it's name either but I used to have it back in my younger days!! I love the toy, but I lost it!! Oohh, how I wish I can have it now!!

  6. A dry martini with an olive, please!! [It just HAS to be 5 pm somewhere in the world.]

    Love the sepia tones of your photos...makes for a certain drama flair!

    My Macro is Nautical And I also added a bit about a new meme I'm inviting everyone; if you'd like to join in on the challenge. Come over and find out what day on which it will take place....join me?

    Hope your Monday is treating you well.

  7. Great the look. I am dating myself...but I remember all them.

  8. I know what you about 'the test of time'
    I sure wouldn't mind having that Kodak Tourist! WoW

  9. I LIKE that antique store! You found some great stuff; :)

  10. I love looking back!
    The Viewmaster was one of my favorite toys. I loved lying on the floor of the living room and pointing it to the light and imagine myself being in there with Bambi in the three dimensional image.
    Thanks for the memories!
    Terrific shots too!

  11. Great stuff in the antique store. That gin dispenser looks dangerous.

  12. I love these images – such wonderful and evocative details beautifully captured. Thank you for the tour and for your kind comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the clematis photos. :)


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!