Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Watery Wednesday

I caught this Robin, looking for its lunch the other day, just to the side of a water sprinkler watering the lawn. As I slowly crept up on the Robin, the sun was shining on the waterdrops of the sprinkler at just the right angle to produce a rainbow!! Here are the Waterdrops glowing in a rainbow.
Another photo from the same area is a little pond with a tiny fountain. I liked the patterns of the ripples on the water in the pond.

For more photos of Watery Wednesday, please go and visit http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. The rainbow on the water sprinkler's sprinkles is just perfect! Wonderful capture. And it looks like Mr Robin caught his lunch too. :)

  2. Both lovely photos but I am enraptured by the lovely rainbow sprinkler!

  3. Yes, I agree, the patterns are super...but the colors in your photo are outstanding!!!!

    My Wednesday Post

  4. I love these water shots, very playful and refreshing!


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