Sunday, July 25, 2010

Macro Monday

A past trip to a huge Antique store is an awesome way to spend an afternoon when you have a camera with you. Here are a few pictures of things long past, maybe still used in a few homes but some things I remember seeing in my home when I was growing up.
How about you? Do you remember these few things??

I don't remember if my Dad ever smoked a pipe, he did smoke cigarettes though. My father in law smoked pipes, hated them. The smell, everything.

Of course, there were these stand up ashtrays by the couch or the chair that Dad claimed as his chair. I remember them in my Uncle's place as well.

My Grandmother had a Gramophone that we inherited after she passed away that played these round cylindrical tubes. My brother now owns the Gramophone and a box of these "round records"

Some homes used wood stoves to heat thier homes or otherwise wood stoves you could also cook on. We used to fight over who got to put wood in my grandmother's wood stove. And those big cast iron kettles on the top of them with water constantly boiling to return some humidity to the air.

And what home would not be complete without the treadmill in it!! Here are a couple of early versions of the present day treadmill. Pretty primative and it looks like torture to me!!
Hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane. What kind of things do you remember at your home when you were growing up??
For more photos of Macro Monday, please go and visit


  1. Great antiques. The pipes remind me of my grandfather. I love the smell of his tobacco. I know it's not healthy but oh the wonderful aroma.

  2. I always remember having antiques around as a child. My Grandma still has so many treasures. Where was this shop? I live in Victoria, BC.

    Jessica @

  3. nice antiques picture!my grandfather use to keep all those antiques equipment and tools in their cabinets..


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