Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Watery Wednesday

We spent Saturday last weekend out at Pitt Polder Lake, just west of Maple Ridge, B.C. Every now and then I like playing with angles when I take a picture so here are a couple of pictures from a different perspective.
And another angle!!
For more Watery Wednesday shots, go to see http://waterywednesday.blogspot.com/


  1. interesting angles, feels like im falling when looking at those :-)

  2. Feels as if I'm skidding down a cliff. Very interesting.

  3. Fun angles and what wonderful scenery to play in!

  4. Woah! Makes me dizzy! Nice lake with beautiful mountain scenery. Must be wonderful in the warm summertime.

  5. That is amazing!!!

    STOP! IN THE NAME OF LOVE... is my Wednesday entry!! do come by if you can, I'd love to have your company today.

  6. Great angles, they give another dimension to photography. Lovely photos!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!