Thursday, March 25, 2010

Skywatch Friday

Last weekend at Pitt Polder Lake the sun was on its way down. I took this picture of the sky in colour but thought as well that the sky would look kind of awesome as well in Black and White.
I have been playing with the black and white feature of my camera lately, and trying all sorts of pictures with it. I think it makes the sky a bit more moodier and stormy.
To see more of Skywatch Friday photos, please visit


  1. I think I like the B & W better too. Both are lovely.

  2. They are both amazing photos. I like color and absolutely love b&w.

  3. Beautiful tall stately trees, - black and white is quite dramatic, but I love the colour.

  4. That was fun; stunning photos and a photography lesson to boot-- I don't know if I have that b&w feaature, but I'm going to check it out.

  5. the mono is dramatic but i love the light behind those trees in your first photo.

  6. Wonderful virga shots! (Virga is rain that doesn't make it to the ground.) Spectacular in B&W. Lovely.

  7. The stark trees really add to the drama of the sky.

  8. Beautiful photos. I think a sky with some drama and clouds look great in mono! These are both terrific.

  9. You are right about the moody sky in the b&w mode! The pictures look stunning!

    Pixellicious Photos

  10. stunning shots. very dramatic with the black and white (and all those lovely grays in between!)


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