Sunday, March 7, 2010

Straight Out Of The Camera Sunday

Yesterday was a warm sunny day here on the Mainland, a day just made to go the beach. But this kind of sunny day makes it hard to take pictures in so it was a bit of a challenge to get some photos in the harsh light of the midday sun. I also was trying out the Black and White on my camera, something I have not used before. So here are a few shots from the day yesterday.
These were taken at Mud Bay Park, a wildlife santuary situated right along the ocean. The tide is way out and the flats are just one big pile of mud!!
I have taken colour photos and converted them to black and white in Photoshop before but never used the black and white feature of my Nikon. Another view of the mud flats.
This is a wildlife sanctuary but the only wildlife we saw this day was our foster child!! He insisted on walking out to the edges of the mudflats to see if he would sink!!
I thought I would add a colour picture of the same view as the picture above. See how the sky is really washed out because of the intense mid-day sun.
And finally, a view from across the water to Mt. Baker in Washington. On clear sunny days such as today, the mountain is splendid to see!!
For more of Straight out of the Camera shots, please go and visit


  1. These are great shots! I have to admit, I've never done much with the black and white setting on my camera either. I'll have to try that since yours turned out so well. :)

  2. Beautiful shots. I never think of the black and white.

  3. These are really great shots. My old broken camera had a B&W setting, but alas my new replacement doesn't.

  4. I particularly liked the b&w of the wildlife sanctuary along the coast line. While I do love color, b&w is intriguing and adds drama.

  5. Your pictures have stunning contrast

  6. Great photograph! thanks for sharing happy SOOC


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