Friday, March 5, 2010

Friday's Fave Five

1) The Sunshine: Spring has really arrived a couple of weeks early and the skies have been big and blue and sunny!! It's a shame to have to go to work and not have the day to really enjoy the sun.
2) Cherry Blossoms: Nothing like the beautiful pink colour of cherry blossoms against a bright blue sky.
3) Longer days: The days stay light out now until about 6:20. That means I can enjoy an early dinner and head out to the park after and walk it off!! Daylight savings starts in 8 days. I love the lighter evenings.
4) Movie night with my hubby: We went on Wednesday to see Shutter Island. I always look forward to the red licorice we buy for the movie!!
5) Seafood: My daughter came over for supper the other night, and it was a great excuse to go out and buy a bunch of mussels, scallops, prawns and white fish to make a wonderful dinner to spoil her!! I ate some for lunch the next day as well.
For more of Friday Favorite Five's go and visit


  1. Those cherry blossoms sound lovely! I think movie nights are great fun as well. :)

  2. Your seafood dinner sounds wonderful, I can't ever get enough seafood. And longer days are something I am thankful for too!

  3. Ah...sunshine and longer days. The heralds of spring - two of my favorites every day at this time of year. No blossoms on the fruit trees around here yet, though.

    The movie night with yr hubby sounds like fun.

  4. I have never seen cherry blossoms in the spring. We do have crab apple trees that do put on a lovely show with either white or dark pink blossoms, though.

    I am so glad for the longer days too.

    I love a movie night out too. And we always get red licorice too.


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