Monday, March 1, 2010

Simple Woman's Daybook

1.)Outside my window: I am watching my hubby cook some Spare Ribs for supper. If I had smell-o-vision I could send some of the heavenly scents your way!
2.) I am thinking: about how nice and quiet of a day it has been, even though we had a lot to accomplish in it. We did not get all we had to do done, but that's okay. It's time to relax now.
3.) I am thankful for: The extra day off I had today, even though I ended up not needing it for the reason I took the day off. Got to like it when things like that happen!
4.) Supper is being cooked for me while I type this. The sound of busyness (is that a word?) is happening and its not me making the noise!
5.) I am wearing: Some track pants and a sweat shirt. I just got back from a walk around the park behind my house. My exercise for the day!
6.) I am going: to work tomorrow. Because of today being off work, it will be a short week!
7.) I am reading: Color Correction, a how to book for Photoshop, in my neverending quest to become a better photographer, I read what I can get my hands on!
8.) I am hoping: For a quiet week at work and at home so I can study my stuff needed to go over for my court next week. I am hoping that if I am prepared, I won't be too stressed about it all.
9.) I am hearing: The evening news on the TV and the buzz of the computer's here in the office.
10.) Around the house: I actually started some yard work today, cleaning up the winter deadfall, trimming the trees. Got to give the flowers room to grow!!
11.) One of my favorite things: Once again, it is Ribs the way my hubby cooks them. No one can whip up a barbeque sauce like he can. And a glass of red wine to go with dinner!
12.) A few plans for the rest of the week: Meetings the next three days at work, Survivor night over at my friend Sally's place on Thursday and the weekend with my hubby! Oh and my kitten gets her stitches out on Friday and I know she will get a clean bill of health!!
13.) A picture I want to share with you:
 Please go and visit


  1. A charming country church.
    I love this photo!

  2. I love your laid-back must have a carefree life. And to have hubby do the cooking? wonderful. My sons make the best BBQ sauces too and Hubby loves to cook breakfast, so I guess we both have it made.
    Blessings Your Way

  3. First of all that is a lovely photo and a beautiful little church, and I enjoyed reading your post.


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