Sunday, February 28, 2010

Today's Flowers

I hate to admit I did not see one real flower this week. There it is, it's out there.
We did go to a huge Antique Store though and I saw a few there, not real but painted on various things. So I thought I would share Flowers from the Antique Store today for you all!!
This was painted on the side of a lamp.

This flower was painted on a huge Chinese fan. The lines through the fan were each panel of the fan.
Another section of the flowers on a Chinese fan.
I think this flower pattern on these teacups is a common one. I am not one to drink my tea out of a tea cup but they are pretty to look at.
To see more of Today's Flowers please go and visit


  1. Flowers are flowers be they real or painted. Clever post

  2. Many a painter and poet is inspired by flowers as we are! Good eye seeking out flowers other than in the earth!
    Nice to see you visiting again!
    smiles to you anna

  3. Ms D: Those are some neat captures of the wonderful flower patterns.

  4. They may not be real flowers but they are very lovely!
    I'd love to have that fan. The colors are so vivid.

  5. Love your flower contribution today, each one so lovely. Great choices to share with Today's Flowers, thank you :)


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