Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today's Flowers

We have had such a mild winter this year that even though it is really the middle of winter here, things are already starting to bloom in a big way.
Crocuses are popping up everywhere....
Even the Irises are blooming.

For more pictures of Today's Flowers please visit


  1. Wow! I can't believe the irises are blooming already!!

  2. Gee, you are lucky to have a mild winter. It is the opposite here.

  3. Ms. D: You are the lucky one. We are covered with snow and expecting another blast.

  4. I envy your early spring...and am anxious for ours. The weather sure is funny...we are just across the border to the south of Canada and easily have a few more months of winter. Enjoy....oh, lucky brother to be on the ocean...I love his view
    and your flowers...
    God Bless

  5. I can't believe we are south of you and you're the one with spring flowers already! I'm jealous ~ lol. I love the first signs of spring, thanks for sharing yours.

  6. soon the ground will be a riot of colours! yaaayy!

  7. Love seeing photos of crocuses where you are, while we are 5 feet under snow in DC area ;)

    btw, the comment you left on my food blog: that's a great idea to roast tomatoes together with eggplant! I should try it next time.


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