Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Fave Five

1) Our spring like weather - It may be the middle of winter here but the weather has been very springlike, so much so that cherry blossoms, crocuses, daffodils etc. are blooming away. Our weather is not what the Vancouver Winter Olympics would call wonderful though. There isn't nearly enough snow on Cypress Mountain and they are having to truck it in from Manning Park. There are no upcoming reports of snow in the forecast either.
2) Spaghetti with Meat Sauce - that my hubby cooked for supper tonight. I was so starving after getting home from the Seminar on Bookkeeping I attended today I could of chewed on my own arm. Those two pieces of Raison toast for Breakfast did not last long.
3) My new book on Colour Correction for Photoshop. Something new to learn.
4) Survivor - actually just counting the days until the first show on Thursday. And last but not least!!!
5) My daughter Lora - who is celebrating her birthday tomorrow. My beautiful daughter has grown up to be a kind, thoughtful and gentle woman. All the things we had to go through especially in those teenage years have made her the wonderful human being she has become.

To read other Friday Favorite Fives, please go and visit


  1. What a wonderful list! Good weather, a meal cooked by your man, a new learning project, a favorite TV show, and a wnderful daughter.

    I love to watch Survivor too, but haven't for a couple years, since we disconnected our satelitte... watching Survivor once a week did nt warrant the bill. LOL Enjoy it for me, OK?

  2. Happy birthday to your daughter! She sounds like a lovely lady.

    How nice of your hubby to cook dinner. Someone else cooking always makes it extra tasty!

  3. I say, anytime, anything your husband cooks has GOT to be good!! (Mine doesn't, so I wouldn't know. But I'd love it!)

    It's great to watch your kids become young adults, isn't it?

    Happy week!


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