Sunday, January 10, 2010

Today's Flowers, Straight out of the Camera Sunday

This image is from my archives, of a bouquet of flowers I recieved for my birthday in December.
For some reason, I had a really hard time photographing them, they didn't want to be I guess!!
This is straight out of the camera, as well so think I will add it onto that meme as well!

For pictures of Today's Flowers, please go to

For pictures from Straight out of the Camera Sunday, please go to


  1. Love the vibrant tone and curling shape edging the petals! Great photo!

  2. What a lovely birthday bouquet. Your photo is beautiful! Thank you for sharing them with us. I don't think I have seen this coloring on a rose before, it's very different but so lovely.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!