Monday, January 11, 2010

Macro Monday

I have been trying for days now to get a picture for an amateur photography contest I enter weekly. The theme this week is Silver and it is harder than it seems. This is a silver ornamental bow and as you can see it is picking up all the colours in the room along with just the silver. Its not exactly what I was trying to achieve when I took the photos, but it is kind of pretty I think.

For more photos of Macro Monday, please visit


  1. Great macro and an all round lovely image.

  2. Yes, shooting reflections of any kind can be quite hard. Just like with the roses below, sometimes getting a pic we really like is harder than it looks! You've done well, though. Love the sparkles.

  3. That high res shot is GREAT! Sometimes we get lucky in our accidents ... not the shot you want, but happy with the shot you get.

    Lovin' Macro Monday,
    Cameo @-->-->---

  4. Fascinating photo. You can get lost in the image.


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!