Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Just an update for everyone, Its been a few days since my last one.
I am out at the internet cafe again, enjoying some Mexican Tortilla Soup and a Chai Tea Latte at the same time as checking e-mails, catching up on blogs and lastly but not least, reading my Photography text in preparation for tonight's class. I have my pictures of slow and fast shutter speed, but cannot put them up here as they are on the external drive at home. I will get them for you though.
We are patiently, okay not, waiting for our internet to be hooked up by a new service provider this coming Saturday. By that time it will be almost a month without internet, which has been very inconvenient. Our entire home business is hooked up with the rotten service, and for us to be mad enough at them to change all that is wild. All our business cards, brochures, posters, rack cards, everything has email addresses on it and it will all have to be changed. I hope it will be all worth it in the end. We depend on the internet for quite a lot with our business. So you can imagine the amount of time we have had to take it to the internet cafe to get it done.
Today sure feels like fall. Its the first day that really feels like it. I went to Vancouver this morning for a doctor's appointment and came out to pouring pelting rain. I went to the closest Starbucks to wait out the deluge but it wasn't ending so ended up having to buy myself an umbrella just to walk the mile or so to my car. The freezing levels around here dropped to 1500 feet so snow was coming down in the mountains such as Whistler and Blackcomb. That is a little close for comfort!! The house is cool enough to have to wear sweaters and any colder and maybe the heat will have to go on. Hard to believe that September is out after tomorrow.
Everyone is thinking of Halloween at work. We have picked a theme for the grouphome of the Four Seasons. We have four clients, each will represent a season and the two caregivers will be day and night. What do you think?? Our company has an annual party we all dress up for and there are awards for best themes and costumes. Any other ideas out there?

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