Thursday, September 24, 2009

This and That

1)Its been over a week since I've been able to get back to this blog. Our internet service is not working even though our internet provider had been out to the house and supposedly fixed the problem. The internet was gone I am sure before he even got to the end of the street. They phoned the next day with one of thier automated surveys enquiring about the service call. Push 1 for yes and 2 for no, eight questions all about was the technician friendly, introduce himself, tell us what he was doing. Were we happy with the service the internet provider gives?? Had to answer 2 to most of the questions. Not one question though about whether or not the service call actually rectified the problem. Well, it worked for about ten minutes and not since. So its been a couple of weeks and no internet. I got fed up with the whole thing after the automated call and am now switching internet service providers. We have to wait until the third of October though for that and then follow after with changing email addresses etc. We changed our phone over as well and added a digital package to our television, all from the same provider. I hope it solves the problems we have right now doing this drastic move.
2)On the other hand I get to bring my laptop down to the Internet Coffee Shop and enjoy a Chai Tea Latte while I catch up on my mail and post a blog post here!! Thats good!!
3)I started a Digital Photography course this past Tuesday here at the Fraser Valley University!! I am really excited to be doing this!! My first assignment this week is Shutter Speed. Take pictures depicting slow and fast shutter speeds and bring them for critique next week. I'll try and post them here too when I take them!! Shutter speed has always confounded me. I like my photo subjects to stand still please!!!
4)Lots of car problems lately. We went to one of my staff's wedding last Sunday, had major car problems getting to Grouse Mountain for the wedding and were forced to leave right away after the ceremony to try and get home before it got dark. We made it in time, good thing because we had no lights, no power to the fans, the windows etc. We have replaced the starter, the alternator and still are having wierd electrical problems despite that, so the mechanic is going to have to be visited now.
5)My 10 year anniversary is in two days!! I would marry my bear all over again in a heartbeat!! I wonder how many people would say that about thier spouse??
6)Last and never least, my youngest child celebrated his birthday on Sept. 22. I am so happy to have spent time with him this summer where he is living in Alberta. I miss him every day despite that. Happy Birthday Eric!! I love you lots!!


  1. Holy moly, a lot of exciting news ... :) I was thinking of you the other day, wondering where you were. Hope the internet/phone etc stuff works perfectly for you. Congratulations on the photo course. Please do share if you can. I'd love to see - and read about - your adventure. :)

    Happy Anniversary!

  2. Thanks!! I will share anything I learn in the photography course, especially the pictures I take. I am hoping I won't be stumped for ideas when she gives the weekly assignments.
    I read 50 pages tonight out of the 350 page text book. My mind is spinning!!!

  3. Shutter speed is good. So is lens opening. You will learn and gain some valuable experiences from it I am sure of that.


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