Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy Canada Day

Just wanted to pop in today and wish all fellow Canadians a Happy Canada Day on July 1!!
Party on!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Macro Monday

Playing with my food again!! Just some peas minus the peas with jelly beans instead. Just a little camera fun.

And Cherry season. I have eaten about $50 worth of these things so far!!
For more Macro Monday shots please visit

Friday, June 26, 2009

Skywatch Friday

These pictures were all taken at Crescent Beach just north of Surrey B.C.
Lots of things trying and succeeding in getting into the air and sailing away!! We were treated to a fly by from the airshow that was going on across the waters at Boundry Bay.
Lots of sailboats at the end of Crescent Beach. There was enough wind for the sails to be out and about.

A group of four men were in the water with a Boogie board sail trying to catch enough wind to set the sail flying. They could get the sail up briefly but it never stayed in the air. Behind it here in the picture a board sailer could get enough wind to skim the surface of the water.

One of the attempts to get the sail to fly!!
A heron who stood nicely for me to take a few pictures then flew away after.
For more pictures of the skies around the world please visit http://skyley.blogspot.com/

Thursday, June 25, 2009

This and That

1) I am sick. Summer colds always are hard to take.
2) It does not feel like summer outside. Its cold, cloudy and raining off and on. And windy. I like that part.
3) Lots of sad news on the TV today. Prominent people dying. If things go in threes then hopefully it will end.
4) Farrah Faucett was amazing in The Burning Bed. I had to look at her differently after I saw her in that role.
5) My hubby took my camera to work with him today, and I am fretting. I worry about that camera like it was another kid of mine. Of course when you don't have your camera with you then everything is a photo op!!
6) I worry about my hubby too! I told him to gaurd that camera with his life but I didn't mean it. Really there is not even a choice about which one I would give up. And he is not it.
7) Work is done and I am going to go and change into something comfy and cozy, befitting this cold I am nursing. I just want to caccoon tonight, so that is what me and my cat are going to do. And watch the sad news at the same time.
Have a great evening everyone.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Watery Wednesday

I was out to White Rock the other day finding some inspiration for a photo contest I just entered and this was the beach I found!
If you look a couple of posts down on the blog you will see the stone and driftwood clock I entered into the contest.
It was a beautiful sunny day in the middle of the afternoon and the tide was quite far out. It did come in some while I was at the beach.
White Rock is located at the north end of Surrey, B.C. about a half hours drive out of Vancouver. When the tide is out it has beautiful sandy beaches and lots of sites to see. It is on my way home from work and I love to stop on a sunny day and walk the beach before going home.

I loved the stones on the sand in these shots. They looked like a path leading to the ocean to me. I took quite a few pictures from different angles.
For more pictures of Watery Wednesday hosted by 2sweetnsaxy please visit

Monday, June 22, 2009

Macro Monday

For Macro Monday, a last minute photo I just entered into a Weekly Photo contest. The topic is clocks and watches. I tryed to come up with something out of the ordinary. Hope I succeeded!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Weekend Snapshot

Today, Saturday, I had an idea for a photo so hubby and I headed down to Crescent Beach to the sand to set it up. Can you tell what my idea was by looking at the above picture??

How about this picture??
Well, I wanted to make a clock out of beach stones, with driftwood clock hands, just at the edge of the tide as the tide was coming in. I am trying to get a picture for a photo contest I want to enter. The only problem is that I was already too late when I got to the beach, the tide was coming in fast and in the few minutes it took me to run around and find the stones and set them up, you can see that the tide just ran right over the area and washed away my makeshift clock hands. I tryed snapping a few shots but alas, it is all washed up!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Macro Monday

For Macro Monday I picked a Pepper! Not a pack of Pickled Peppers .....
Just a Pepper!!
For more shots of Macro Monday please go to visit http://www.blenza.com/linkies/links.php?owner=lisaschaos&postid=14Jun2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Today's Flowers

Today's Flowers come from my and my neighbour's yards again. Sunflower
Purple Clematis, I love the colour!!
I love the colour I had to give you two to look at!!
Fuschia bud. I am not sure I spelled that right??
For more of Today's Flowers please visit http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com/

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Weekend Snapshot Meme

This is my first time contributing to this meme so thought I would share a couple of pictures I took today. I am trying to get a good picture for a amateur photo contest I enter each week and for this week the theme is vegetables.
These are just a couple of the outtakes from all the photos I took. I am trying to get a different spin on the plain old vegetable!!

These are also straight out of the camera, no work done on either of them!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Skywatch Friday

Skywatch Friday

A few different sky views taken in and around Vancouver, B.C. An evening picture showing Science World.

Skytrain above travelling toward Vancouver, I loved the colours of the shops below the tracks.

Travelling down the road among the tall buildings.
For more pictures of skies around the world, visit http://skyley.blogspot.com/

Chimichurri Sauce

The other day at my neighbour's place I had the opportunity to taste something new. This was a sauce that her friend had given her, that she was serving with some barbequed steaks for supper. I didn't have the steak, just a mouthful of this sauce and I am telling you - it was wonderful! The flavours were fresh, spicy with just the right amount of heat and garlic (at least for me!) and my taste buds felt like they were rejoicing!! The flavours lingered for quite a while after eating it. I just knew that I would have to get the recipe and try it out!!
So here it is for everyone here. I hope you also try it, I know you will love it.

Chimichurri Sauce. The cast of Characters.
Gather all the spices together. I used salt, pepper, red pepper chili flakes, Sweet Paprika, Dried Oregano, Cumin, Lemon Zest, and a small amount of Smoked Paprika.

Combine Olive Oil, RedWine Vinegar and Balsamic Vinegar, Lemon Juice

I chopped One green onion finely and I grated two heads of garlic cloves. I wanted the garlic to be finely minced into the sauce and evenly distributed, rather than biting into a chunk of garlic.

I finely minced one bunch of flat leaf Italian Parsley and one bunch of Cilantro.

Throw all these ingredients into a food processor.

Whirl in the food processor until finely chopped and well mixed.

This made about two and a half cups of Chimichurri Sauce.
We served it over Barbequed Turkey Thighs tonight and the rest is in the fridge. It will keep in the fridge for a week, if it lasts that long!!
Chimichurri Sauce
1 bunch Cilantro, minced
1 bunch Italian Flat Leaf Parlsey, minced
2 tbsp. green Onion, minced
1/3 cup minced Garlic, (2 large or 3 small heads)
1/2 cup Olive Oil
1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1 to 2 tbsp. Lemon Juice fresh.
1 tsp. grated Lemon Zest
1 1/2 tbsp. Balsamic Vinegar
1/2 to 1 tsp. Pepper
1 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Red Pepper Flakes
2 tbsp. Sweet Paprika
1 tbsp. Smoked Paprika
1 tbsp. dried Oregano
1/2 tsp. Cumin
Combine all ingredients in a food Processor and process until all is finely minced and well combined. Keep in fridge when not using and it will keep for a week.
Tastes great with roasted or grilled meats.
I hope you enjoy it!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Macro Monday

A little posy from my friend Gaye's garden for Macro Monday!!
Enlarge the photo to get the whole Macro effect!!

Today's Flowers

For Today's Flowers a picture of a sunflower from my friend's house. I think it kind of looks like a bowl of sunshine!! I also entered the second picture in a local photo contest and got quite a few votes for it.
I have been having a lot of trouble with uploading photos here and using the mr.linky modes. I tryed a few times for Skywatch and each time ended up freezing my computer and having to shut it down. So I hope this will work. Cross my fingers!!
For more pictures of Today's Flowers please visit http://flowersfromtoday.blogspot.com/

Friday, June 5, 2009

Skywatch Friday

These pictures were taken last weekend on our first fishing expedition of the year!! These were taken in Kilby, about an hour's drive from home. My hubby was very excited to fish. Its a big form of relaxation for him and I get to take pictures. And read a good book. That is my idea of good fishing!
Just a shot of the moon in the sky. If you enlarge it you can see it better.

I love the diamond glints on the water as the sun sets.

For more pictures of Skywatch Friday visit http://skyley.blogspot.com/

Thursday, June 4, 2009

This and That.

1) I have tryed twice now to put some pictures into this post but my computer says it can not find this website. What is with that??
2) We have a heatwave here and went the temps get like this the ability of drivers goes down correspondingly with the number on the Thermometer. We can't think in that kind of heat I guess!
3) I would not be able to do the job I have without the wonderful staff I have. They make this job a joy to go to every day and I thank them for that!
4) I am missing my son a lot lately. Sometimes this world is just a bit too big and on those days missing someone is what happens.
5) I wrote my Recert exam today at work, 8 pages double sided of lots of questions and hope I did okay with that. I'll find out the marks tomorrow.
6) Glad to see the weekend come, this week has been way to busy.
Enough of this, a good book and a cool fan await me and hopefully a good night's sleep, so that's the end of my post!!
I will try those pictures again tomorrow!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Watery Wednesday.

Last weekend we went out looking for fishing spots, our brand new fishing license in hand. We stopped at Kilby but it was really windy out and not a good spot to do some fly fishing.
I really liked the look of the waves overtaking this rock just off the shore. I have those kind of days sometimes where no matter how much you stand up against the force of something, it still can go right over you.

The same rock after the wind died down and the waves settled. The sun going down looks like diamonds on the water.

I chose this picture taken from the same area to show how high the water level is from the spring run-offs. This tree is out in the water rather than at the edge of the water.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Macro Monday

For Macro Monday meet my next door neighbour's cat Valentino. He is about 2 years old and likes nothing better than terrorizing my cat through my patio sliding windows!! My cat goes crazy launching himself at the glass and trying to put a smack down on Valentino.