Friday, June 26, 2009

Skywatch Friday

These pictures were all taken at Crescent Beach just north of Surrey B.C.
Lots of things trying and succeeding in getting into the air and sailing away!! We were treated to a fly by from the airshow that was going on across the waters at Boundry Bay.
Lots of sailboats at the end of Crescent Beach. There was enough wind for the sails to be out and about.

A group of four men were in the water with a Boogie board sail trying to catch enough wind to set the sail flying. They could get the sail up briefly but it never stayed in the air. Behind it here in the picture a board sailer could get enough wind to skim the surface of the water.

One of the attempts to get the sail to fly!!
A heron who stood nicely for me to take a few pictures then flew away after.
For more pictures of the skies around the world please visit


  1. Lots of things going on in the skies of B.C.!

  2. I'm always amazed how pilots can fly so close in formation and move like they are almost connected. Nice shot.


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