Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Watery Wednesday

I was out to White Rock the other day finding some inspiration for a photo contest I just entered and this was the beach I found!
If you look a couple of posts down on the blog you will see the stone and driftwood clock I entered into the contest.
It was a beautiful sunny day in the middle of the afternoon and the tide was quite far out. It did come in some while I was at the beach.
White Rock is located at the north end of Surrey, B.C. about a half hours drive out of Vancouver. When the tide is out it has beautiful sandy beaches and lots of sites to see. It is on my way home from work and I love to stop on a sunny day and walk the beach before going home.

I loved the stones on the sand in these shots. They looked like a path leading to the ocean to me. I took quite a few pictures from different angles.
For more pictures of Watery Wednesday hosted by 2sweetnsaxy please visit

1 comment:

I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!