Thursday, May 7, 2009

This and That

A little bit of this and a little bit of that for a Thursday.

1) I recieved my Income Tax return the other day and what a nice check that was!! I put it onto my Visa so it does not look so bad now and as well when you get some free money like that you should spend a bit of it on a little something you want but don't neccessarily need. So I did!!! I bought myself a SB600 external Speed Light For my Nikon camera and a Diffuse Light cover for it as well. I also bought a 90% bendable viewfinder. For the life of me I can't think of the real name for it without getting up and going to look. Anyways I have new toys!! It's always hard for me to buy myself something so I have to mention it because I actually did buy myself something!!
2)Survivor is on tonight and I am getting ready to head next door to my neighbour's place to watch the show. I just took my appy out of the oven and it smells wonderful!! Baked Onion Dip with multigrain crackers to eat it with. And a bottle of Merlot to share with everyone.
3) I went to a Specialist about my shoulder today. He had the MRI results, The C-T Scan results and the X-rays. It frustrates me no end when they can't figure out what is going on in my shoulder so automatically want to stick Cortisone shots in there and see if it will help. They can't even gaurantee that it will. I don't want to be a pin cushion or a guinea pig for it.
4)I watched the Oprah show today with her interview of Elizabeth Edwards and her new book Resilience. I think I want to get the book and read it. She talked a bit of how she is learning to live in the present with her cancer and the news of her hubbys infedelity and some of the things she was saying tweaked my curiousity enough that I think I have to read her book. Sometimes the time is right to hear the things you might of heard before but weren't willing to look at earlier. When the time is right they say the Teacher comes.
5)Its time to get my stuff together and head over to next door. An evening spent with friends, good food and wine is a nice way to spend the evening. Survivor sometimes gets watched while we are at it!!!
Enough of this, I'm off to that!!

1 comment:

I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!