Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

I have been off line for a few days, due to my computer being relocated, or in other words my hubby took over my computer spot with his new one!! Since then Mother's Day has come and gone, and it is back to the grind of the workweek. Just thought as I cannot get at any of my pictures to post, I would instead share with you a letter my hubby wrote for me for Mom's Day and which was waiting for me when I got up Sunday.

Sunday, 2:00 AM
Hello Ska,
Have I told you lately that I love you just a little bit ?
The itinerary for your Mother's Day will include a Subway Submarine Sandwich meal with your Bear, followed by a
Dairy Queen Blizzard for dessert in Mill lake Park this afternoon / evening . This will be followed by picture taking in
the park, without any need for your cellphone or walkie-talkie because I will be right beside you, holding your hand ,
your camera bag, tripod and monopod for you and ready to kill muggers with a glance . Later in the evening, around
6 PM there will be a sappy, girlie movie rental of your choice, which I will sit and watch attentively with you while we
cuddle on the couch, you with a bottle of the finest vintage wine and me with a single malt scotch . Then I will go
early to bed with you and cuddle you to sleep. As you can see, your internet connection has been fixed . If you have a problem with it , restart the router . Please
work on the financials a bit today and leave the housework alone . I will be home early , before noon
to help you with the financials and get our day going.
Quaheystamaha(You dance in my heart ... )Love ,

Mother's Day is not my favorite day, I don't have good memories from year's past and to me this letter is his way of helping me to build some good memories instead.
I had a few tears reading this, and I knew that by the end of the day It would be a good one. A new and good memory to keep.

1 comment:

  1. Awww, very neat. Looks like you are blessed by a good hubby too! We are lucky. Thanks for sharing that.


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