Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Watery Wednesday

This is my first post for Watery Wednesdays. I have enjoyed looking at other people's posts to this meme but never thought until now to do one of my own. It was a beautiful day here in White Rock, warm and sunny out for the first time in a long while. It was the first day it really felt like spring had arrived so what better thing to do than head down to the beach. Here an older couple enjoying the warmth and waves of the beach.
It is a nice long sandy beach, perfect for a nice walk at the water's edge. I don't know who made the circle in the sand but its kind of cool, don't you think?

Looking across the expanse of water you can see Washington!! White Rock is a very popular tourist attraction to anyone visiting Vancouver, B.C.
I hope you enjoy the pictures, my first entry!!!
To see other's Watery Wednesday pictures please visit


  1. I love beach photos. Those are great. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It's a great first entry. I'm glad you decided to join. Thanks for participating.

  3. Lovely series of photos. Sounds like spring is there already!!!

  4. I am so glad you decided to post these. Welcome to Watery Wednesday. I hope you'll come back next week. Love your photographs!


I very much appreciate and Thank You for all of your kind comments!