Sunday, April 12, 2009

Today's Flowers

My next door neighbour was given a bouquet of lilies a few days ago and passed them on to me before the weekend as they were going away for Easter. These lilies were the biggest lilies I have ever seen, each one being the size of a dinner plate!! I quickly snapped a few pictures and passed them onto her, and put a couple of them here as well!! I carried White Lilies just like these although mine were smaller when my hubby and I married. These are very perfumed, as soon as you walk into the house you could smell thier sweet smell!
For more of Today's Flowers from around the globe visit


  1. So pretty!

    Do these have the same scent as the other lilies? I love how they look, but cannot handle the scent.

  2. Ms. Dew: What a neat flower and certainly bringing the message of Easter.

  3. Beautiful pictures!!
    Your flowers look like "Casa Blanca Lilies".

  4. Nice of your neighbor to pass them on! :)
    I love the softness of the first shot and the macro of the center is excellent!

  5. Yes these flowers have a very strong scent. I think some would think it overwelming. I can smell them first thing when I walk in the door and they are in the dining room three rooms away!!

  6. I am sorry I am so late in visiting. Your photos here are gorgeous. Thank you for sharing them on Today's Flowers. I hope you will be back next week. I also wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment :)


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